Linea pectinata


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linea pettinata. Linea pectinata … Pectinate line - Linea pectinata. Anatomical Parts. Illustrated anatomical parts with images from e-Anatomy and descriptions of anatomical structures.

Linea pectinata

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Familia Clupeidae. Nombres científicos sinónimos todavía en uso. Brevoortia pectinata. Otros nombres comunes en América Latina. Argentina: lacha. linea — SYN: line. [L.] l. alba [TA] a fibrous band running vertically the entire length of the midline of the anterior abdominal wall, receiving the attachments of the oblique and transverse abdominal …. Medical dictionary. middle ridge of femur — linea pectinea …. Medical dictionary. Linea pectinata Linea pectinea: Kennst du Übersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sind? Hier kannst du sie vorschlagen! Bitte immer nur genau eine … Linea SNS; Aree terapeutiche. Formazione. Corsi gratuiti frontali. Webinar gratuiti. Sale Events; Lavorazione spagyrica. Serra di circolazione glicerolo, alcol, parte di pianta 2%) di Abete bianco (Abies pectinata… Linea dentata. von lateinisch: dentatus - gezahnt, gezackt. Synonyme: Linea pectinata, Kryptenlinie Englisch: pectinate line, dentate line  Real or virtual. Physical structure (including spaces) or referring to something physical, such as an area, shape, line, etc. Imaging concept (i.e. not a real structure, but something appearing or identified as an entity on an X-ray, scan etc.) Mental concept (a meaning that does not refer to something physical)

Pectinate line | definition of pectinate line by Medical ...

Linea pectinata

Linea SNS; Aree terapeutiche. Formazione. Corsi gratuiti frontali. Webinar gratuiti. Sale Events; Lavorazione spagyrica. Serra di circolazione glicerolo, alcol, parte di pianta 2%) di Abete bianco (Abies pectinata… Linea dentata. von lateinisch: dentatus - gezahnt, gezackt. Synonyme: Linea pectinata, Kryptenlinie Englisch: pectinate line, dentate line 

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Linea pectinata


„M.corrugator ani“. (klinisch). M.sphincter Linea anocutanea. Linea pectinata. The whitish line called the pectinate line (Hilton's) indicates the junction between keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and unkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. This definition incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy (20th U.S. edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, published in 1918 – from http Description The whitish line called the pectinate line (Hilton's) indicates the junction between keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and unkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. L'abete bianco è una pianta che abita gli inospitali pendii alpini rendendoli accoglienti per altre forme di vita ed è considerato il simbolo della  "Hyptis pectinata" (L.) Poit., ejemplar de: Herbario Nacional de México (MEXU), Plantas Vasculares.

Proximaal van de linea pectinata Distaal van de linea pectinata Tussen de circulaire en longitudinale spierlaag van rectum en anus. Die Linea dentata ( lat. linea = ‚Linie‘, ‚Strich‘; dentatus = ‚gezahnt‘, ‚gezackt‘), auch als Linea pectinata oder Kryptenlinie bezeichnet, ist eine anatomische Grenzlinie im Analkanal . Schematische Darstellung des Kontinenzorgans eines Gesunden mit geöffnetem Schließmuskel. Die Linea … Definition (NCI) The terminal portion of the gastrointestinal tract, extending from the rectosigmoid junction to the anal canal. Definition (MSH) The distal segment of the …

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